
Passive House Windows: Calculating Passive House Windows

2024-01-22T12:49:07-05:00December 6, 2021|

Passive House Windows: Calculating Passive House Windows Course Overview The Passive House Windows: Calculating Passive House Details is a specialty course within The Passive House Network’s educational offerings and part of the Passive House [...]

Passive House Windows

2024-04-04T12:50:39-04:00November 15, 2021|

Passive House Windows Course Overview High-performance windows is a critical component in Passive House design and construction. Explore the passive house principle of high-performance windows in-depth. Discover how windows affect comfort in [...]

Introduction to Passive House Trades

2024-03-01T13:10:54-05:00November 10, 2021|

Introduction to Passive House Trades Course Overview The Introduction to Passive House Training will broadly cover the following topics: Passive House basics, review typical construction types, windows and installation, air barriers and insulation and [...]

Introduction to Passive House

2024-02-22T16:05:06-05:00August 11, 2021|

Introduction to Passive House An easy 1-Hour first step into the world of Passive House. Passive House goals and methodology change how architects and builders think and work, making the architectural design a [...]

Certified Passive House Designer Course: On-Demand

2024-11-07T09:55:35-05:00August 9, 2021|

Certified Passive House Designer/ Consultant Course Overview It’s the same robust core Passive House Designer (Consultant) Training but newer and better! The training content has been updated with market-ready information, plus now there is added flexibility [...]

Thermal Bridging

2024-03-19T09:38:01-04:00June 18, 2021|

Thermal Bridging Hands-on calculation course for thermal bridge simulation & analysis Course Overview This course will provide participants with an introduction to thermal-bridge simulation and analysis using the free LBNL THERM software. [...]

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