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Introduction to Passive House

An easy 1-Hour first step into the world of Passive House.

Passive House goals and methodology change how architects and builders think and work, making the architectural design a driver of climate, health, and social solutions. This one-hour course dives into the basic principles, history, and the new frontiers of Passive House design as it continues to challenge and change industry expectations.

Learning Objective 1:

Outline the five fundamental principles of Passive House design and how each principle contributes to occupants’ health, safety, and welfare.

Learning Objective 2:

Describe the history of building performance efforts and its context, including extreme weather, resource scarcity, and climate change mitigation, that led to the development of the Passive House design.

Learning Objective 3:

Describe why and how hygienic ventilation is an essential defining component of Passive House design and operation – and the strategies to achieve it.

Learning Objective 4:

Outline how the Passive House design focuses on excellent energy efficiency, resulting in side benefits like great occupant thermal and acoustic comfort, improved occupant health outcomes, and economic affordability.

Ratings and Reviews

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3 Ratings
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Todd Walker
Posted 2 years ago
thermal envelope and good erv

very basic information, sales pitch for certification

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Posted 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback Todd. This particular introduction is not meant to take a deep dive in Passive House, as we have a 4-hr Introduction to Passive House Design where we examine the principles further and use case studies to show the implantation of the standards. Also, we are currently taking a look at amending some of the information in this course to fit the market and the audience more appropriately.

Qaiser Saleem
Posted 3 years ago
Difference of cost.

Very good, knowledgeable. Most importantly got to know about the cost difference of conventional & passive houses.

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David Dardzinski
Posted 3 years ago
Overall an informative presentation

There were many very nice photographs and graphics, but the general design was a bit lacking and static. The information was rather superficial, which is probably appropriate for an introduction. However, as the "North American" Passive House Network, why should we care if they are building passive houses on other continents, let alone create a quiz question? Is that pertinent to your mission?

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Posted 3 years ago

Thanks for your feedback David. We are constantly trying to improve our educational materials and courses and so we appreciate you taking time to go through this course and providing us with your insights.

I would like to address your concerns about the content of this course. This course, as you mentioned is an introduction, it is meant to provide an overview and not a dive deep into all the building science aspects of designing passive house buildings. The dominant precedence and the history of Passive House is in Europe, and Germany in particular, so our examples in this course pull from the history of the Passive House Institute (PHI), an international organization that sets the standard for passive house that we adhere to. In our longer introductory courses and our core certification courses, we pull from U.S. examples of passive house buildings and construction. Lastly, to address your concern about the quiz, as an educational non-profit, our courses provide continuing education credits to professionals and a knowledge check is part of adhering to our responsibility of providing those continuing education credits.

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