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NAPHN is now a Cooperative

2015-06-27T21:56:20-04:00July 30, 2014|Recent News|

On July 24th, 2014, members of the North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) filed papers to formally incorporate as a cooperative corporation after operating informally since 2011. Representatives from four regional independent Passive House advocacy organizations, New York [...]

passivhausMAINE Joins NAPHN

2015-05-04T23:36:52-04:00November 25, 2013|Recent News|

PassivhausMAINE is the latest leading regional North American Passive House organization to join NAPHN.   Maine is a hotbed of Passive House activity with such trailblazing practitioners as Chris Corson, Jesper Kruse, Kaplan Thompson and [...]

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