2015 Year in Review
2015 was a successful year of growth for NAPHN. Growth in membership and growth in the resources and cooperative effort of the network. Some highlights include: Dividends: At the start of 2015, the first cooperative [...]
2015 was a successful year of growth for NAPHN. Growth in membership and growth in the resources and cooperative effort of the network. Some highlights include: Dividends: At the start of 2015, the first cooperative [...]
The NAPHN 2016 Conference & Expo: Decarbonize Our Future Today, June 13th and 14th in New York City, will feature a wide array of presentation types, from panel discussions to project case studies featuring the [...]
We are proud to announce that Passive House Western Pennsylvania (PHWPA) has become NAPHN's newest member group. PHWPA is anchored in Pittsburgh, a city pushing to be a sustainability trendsetter. PHWPA is led by [...]
NAPHN 2016 Conference & Expo: Decarbonize Our Future Today, is announced for 2016. The Third Annual North American Passive House Network Conference & Expo will be held June 13th and 14th, 2016, in New [...]
NAPHN member organization, New York Passive House (NYPH), has reported on their blog an important Passive House initiative launched by New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), titled White House Announces Passive House Initiative. President [...]
NAPHN is proud to announce that Maison Passive Québec is now a member of the North American Passive House Network Cooperative. Maison Passive Québec (MPQ) is dedicated to the success of the Passive House Standard [...]
Net Zero Energy Buildings: Passive +Renewables Everyone talks about Net Zero and more and more people are talking about Passive House. Net Zero Energy Buildings: Passive House + Renewables demonstrates that the Passive House pathway is the [...]
Designers and builders of mid-rise residential, affordable housing, schools and high rise Passive House buildings will take to the stage at NAPHN15 in Vancouver, BC. PRESS RELEASE Demonstrating that designing and building to the Passive [...]
Forum for energy efficient construction returns to Darmstadt on its anniversary “Darmstadt, Germany. Big anniversary for the International Passive House Conference: from 22 to 23 April 2016 this central event for energy efficient construction will [...]
The Windows of Change are Blowing When the first Passive House was built in Darmstadt, Germany, there was not a single window on the market that met the stringent Passive House performance requirements. Fast forward [...]