
Certifiers Circle now 8 Strong

2019-12-02T14:13:09-05:00October 31, 2016|Recent News|

The North American Certifier Circle (NACC) is pleased to have a new member,  MIZU Passive House Consulting, operating out of Vancouver.    The NACC is a cooperative association of Passive House Institute accredited building certifiers, [...]

Getting to Zero National Forum 2016

2017-10-15T08:40:13-04:00September 22, 2016|Recent News, Uncategorized|

The 2016 Getting to Zero National Forum returns Oct. 12-14 in Denver, Colorado! Join leading designers, owners, operators, commercial real estate professionals, policymakers, manufacturers and others to share perspectives on the growth of zero net [...]

The NAPHN Advocacy Guide

2017-06-15T06:34:35-04:00August 26, 2016|Featured, Recent News|

If you are trying familiarize local and regional governments, utilities or other potential funding entities, with the usefulness of the Passive House Standard – this Advocacy Guide is the right document to start with.  The guide addresses [...]

2015 Year in Review

2017-06-15T06:35:42-04:00December 27, 2015|Recent News|

2015 was a successful year of growth for NAPHN.  Growth in membership and growth in the resources and cooperative effort of the network.  Some highlights include: Dividends: At the start of 2015, the first cooperative [...]

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