PHN Brochure Available for Download and Use!
PHN Brochure 2-Pager for download and use The brochure lays out the four basic areas of focus for PHN and invites readers to participate with calls to action and QR codes. It also provides some [...]
PHN Brochure 2-Pager for download and use The brochure lays out the four basic areas of focus for PHN and invites readers to participate with calls to action and QR codes. It also provides some [...]
Architectural Record: Taking a Holistic Approach to Embodied Carbon By Fred A. Bernstein A new article in Architectural Record by Fred A. Bernstein, dives into embodied carbon and its relationship to Passive House design with a great [...]
Colorado Voices: Climate Change A PBS presentation. "Coloradans face climate change effects first-hand throughout all the seasons. From record high-temperatures to changes in water systems, the impacts are not going unnoticed. Many Coloradans are now [...]
Colorado Voices: Building Back Better after the Marshall FIre A PBS presentation premiering June 30 at 7 pm MT. The Passive House Network with its Chapter, Passive House Rocky Mountains and regional members are proud [...]
The Passive House Network Announces Buildings Tour for Boston Conference Download the Press Release Visit the Conference Website Register for the Tour The Buildings Tour is a great way to see Passive House in-action, hear [...]
The Passive House Network Announces Program for National Building Conference Focused on Integrated Climate Action Download the Press Release Download the Program Overview The national conference program will include a wide range of topic-specific sessions [...]
HELP WANTED: EDUCATION ASSOCIATE Job Description: The PHN Education Associate will be highly organized, an effective communicator and a quick learner with experience in training program administration, marketing and sales. Knowledge of green building strategies and [...]
The Passive House Network Announces Early Bird Registration for June National Building Conference in Boston The national conference, Passive House For All, will focus on the intersections of four primary drivers of sustainability: energy efficiency, [...]
Certified Passive House Training for Colorado Professionals Starts May 3 The Passive House Network (PHN) with its chapter, Passive House Rocky Mountains (PHRM), is offering a hybrid Certified Passive House Designer course for Colorado professionals who help [...]
The combination of high-quality design, components, and construction, with focused and transparent oversight, makes the international Passive House Standard building certification the logical choice to deliver healthy, comfortable, resilient, and affordable buildings. We can [...]