Passive House

Help Wanted: Education Associate

2022-04-25T14:15:38-04:00April 25, 2022|Featured, Press Kit, Recent News|

HELP WANTED: EDUCATION ASSOCIATE Job Description: The PHN Education Associate will be highly organized, an effective communicator and a quick learner with experience in training program administration, marketing and sales. Knowledge of green building strategies and [...]

Build Back Better: because we have to

2022-03-21T14:55:49-04:00February 14, 2022|Recent News|

Build Back Better because we have to An open letter by Mark Attard from the fire ravaged communities in Colorado. Editor's Note:  The author Mark Attard is the Operations Manager at Hammerwell, and an active [...]

NYSERDA Competition Produces Building Data

2024-03-05T16:35:18-05:00November 30, 2021|Recent News|

NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Competition Produces Building Data The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), in support of New York State’s energy transition to zero carbon emissions, established the Buildings of Excellence [...]

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