To help increase architect and engineer participation in the Passive House sector from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, PHN has established the PHN Passive House Education Fellowship. PHN invites all who identify as BIPOC architects and engineers who have a commitment to sustainable building to apply and participate.

Participants will receive a 50% discount on PHN’s Certified Passive House Designer (CPHD) course price, inclusive of exam + 1-year PHN Membership. In addition, PHN will actively mentor and connect Education Fellowship participants within wider industry networks, providing support and resources into the future.

Course Descriptions

PHN’s CPHD course is the premier training program for architects and engineers working on Passive House residential, institutional and commercial projects. The courses are geared to the US construction industry and use IP units.


Applicants must be BIPOC professional architects or engineers (or recent college graduates) who have a commitment to sustainable building practices.

Approval into Program

Once approved into the fellowship program, an email will be sent with the information. You will need to accept within 10 days the invitation by registering for your preferred course. If you do not accept the invitation within the time allotted, your space may go to the next available applicant. If another seat becomes available, we will let you know. Inaction after the second invite will require reapplication to the program.