PH2020: Choose Your Future broke some new ground in the passive house world by relying on the active participation of participants throughout the conference. We recorded everything so that you can look back and review points you may have missed because you were so involved in the conversation. Go back and review the sessions you went to or go watch the one you missed.
Why? Because it was so good. Here are 3 reasons to re-watch the conference.
- Improved focus on the details. Passive House as a standard is old hat to most of us, but there are constant improvements being made. The speakers at the conference loaded participants up with details and some probably flew past in the heat of the chat room participation. Take a moment to review and absorb those extra tidbits.
- Watch those sessions that you did not have a chance to see in the first place. We all try to pop in all the sessions; to multi-task as it were. The plain truth is, the best absorption comes from focusing in on what we are exposed to. Take an hour and revisit your favorite topics.
- Set yourself up to contact speakers and other who might have contributed to the conference. Many of us promised we would follow up with others; but our busy lives get in the way of remembering the specifics. A quick view of the content will help you be better versed as you reach out.
Additionally, those virtual tours were pretty awesome. Watch them again!
How can you access them?
1. Log-in to your PH2020 account and launch the conference (the green button).
2. Choose the day/session you want to review.
3. Enjoy the session!