A chapter of The Passive House Network with members located across the state and surrounding region.


New Jersey Passive House’s Mission is to fight climate change by driving the transformation of the built environment towards healthier, more equitable, high-performing, zero-carbon outcomes through the promotion of the International Passive House Standard.

Our Vision is to engage and collaborate with diverse stakeholders from across the buildings ecosystem including leaders in: Government, Institutions, Education, Research, Real Estate/Finance, Design/Engineering, Construction, Building Materials and Building Performance Consulting. We advocate, educate, connect, and empower all with the best of building science; developed by the Passive House Institute.

four steps to help transform business as usual

1. education

On-demand, live-online, & hybrid formats provide accessible training to stakeholders. Passive House education changes our vocabulary and changes building culture. Become a Certified Passive
House Designer & build truly sustainable solutions.

2. certification

Certification provides the premier globally recognized
seal of high quality. Certification is a transparent and flexible process that
keeps the project team’s focus on the critical drivers of
building performance.

3. community

Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing is a superpower of our community. It is a generous community and we work hard to cultivate this fellowship with
membership, regional chapters, & global participation.
Attend the PHN conference, open houses, meet others
& grow together.

4. advocacy

Build Passive House & make sure our transition to an all-electric renewable energy future is beneficial for everyone – providing comfortable, affordable,
and healthy buildings. Speak to your neighbors, co-workers, & elected representatives. Change the

Featured New Jersey Projects

Passive House Network News

  • LEED and Energy Efficiency

  • Watch Reimagine Buildings ’24 With Us!

  • The Weekend View: Passive House Certification Tips

Upcoming Event List

Events are listed from across the US. See the PHN Event Calendar for complete listings